Rachel Jonas


(312) 273-4910


(312) 348-7669

Portfolio Company Involvement
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Portfolio Company Involvement
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Rachel is a Manager on the Shore Resource Team at Shore Capital Partners, a microcap private equity firm focused on partnering with companies that have $1-10 million of EBITDA. Rachel’s responsibilities include working with portfolio company management teams to improve operational performance, implement strategic initiatives, and prepare for add-on acquisitions and de novo growth.

Prior to joining Shore, Rachel was a Manager in KPMG’s Deal Advisory & Strategy Analytics group. While at KPMG, Rachel supported due diligence engagements on M&A transactions, performance improvement projects, and growth opportunities across Healthcare, Industrials, and Retail industries. Prior to joining the Analytics team, Rachel rotated through other Deal Advisory groups, performing financial due diligence for lenders, separation and integration consulting, and accounting advisory for carveouts.

Rachel received a M.S. in Accounting and a B.S. in both Accounting and Finance from the University of Missouri.

M.S., Accounting: University of Missouri B.S., Accounting and Finance: University of Missouri
Personal Affiliations & Interests

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